Ruby on Rails Coding Bootcamp Wales

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Price £195 (no VAT) Time 9:00am-2:00pm Venue Llynfi Enterprise Centre, Bridgend County, CF34 0BQ

Course Overview

Welcome to our one-day Ruby on Rails course. In this intensive programme, we will immerse ourselves in the world of Ruby on Rails, a powerful web application framework renowned for its efficiency and ease of use. Whether you are a beginner with little to no experience in web development or an experienced developer looking to enhance your skills, this course is designed to equip you with the knowledge and practical expertise needed to build robust and scalable web applications using Ruby on Rails.

We will cover a wide range of topics that will empower you to become proficient in Ruby on Rails. We will start by exploring the foundations of Rails, including its architecture, MVC (Model-View-Controller) pattern, and convention-over-configuration approach. Through hands-on exercises and real-world examples, you will learn how to create dynamic web applications, handle user input, manage databases, and implement powerful features such as authentication and authorisation.

We will focus on getting you up to speed with Ruby on Rails essentials. We will guide you through setting up your development environment, creating models, defining associations between models, and building dynamic views using Rails' built-in templating system. You will gain hands-on experience in implementing CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) functionality, form validation, and user authentication.

We will dive deeper into advanced Rails topics. You will learn how to optimise database queries, work with APIs, handle file uploads, and implement secure user authorisation. We will explore techniques for testing Rails applications, including unit tests and integration tests, to ensure the reliability and stability of your codebase. Additionally, we will cover deployment strategies, including deploying Rails applications to cloud platforms such as Heroku.

Course Content

  • Introduction to Ruby on Rails framework
  • Rails architecture and MVC pattern
  • Setting up the development environment
  • Creating models and defining associations
  • Building dynamic views with Rails' templating system
  • Implementing CRUD functionality
  • Form validation and user authentication
  • Optimising database queries
  • Working with APIs
  • Handling file uploads
  • Secure user authorisation
  • Testing Rails applications
  • Deployment strategies, including cloud platforms

Who is this course for?

This course is designed for individuals with varying levels of experience in web development who are interested in learning Ruby on Rails. It is suitable for beginners who are new to web development and want to start their journey with Ruby on Rails. It is also valuable for intermediate developers who have some knowledge of web development and want to expand their skill set by learning Rails. Additionally, experienced programmers who want to enhance their expertise in building web applications using Ruby on Rails will find value in this course.

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